
W1 Woman Sale Teaser


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LMSGear steht für Last Man Standing Gear.

Wir sind eine kleine Gearschmiede, die sich auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung von taktisch einsetzbaren Jeanshosen spezialisiert hat. Wir wollen all jene ansprechen, die Wert auf hochwertige, effizient und unkompliziert einsetzbare Ausrüstung legen, die unauffällig und vorausschauend operieren wollen. Unsere Zielgruppe sind u. a. Zivilfahnder, EDC Enthusiasten, MilitaryContractor, Sportschützen, urban operierende Soldaten oder einfach Menschen, denen die normalen 5 Pocket Jeans zu wenig sind. Speziell dafür gedacht ist unsere taktischen Jeans, das Flaggschiff unseres Sortiments. Entwickelt von uns in der Schweiz, produziert in Portugal, mit diversen Features und einzigartigem Design: The M.U.D. Multi Utility Denim.

We are on Instagram
Available now 
The all new Camp/Fieldshirt V2.0 in Ranger Green Ripstop. Manufactured in Portugal with US Made materials . Comes with 2 huge front pockets and 2 pockets integrated in the back 
Plenty of pockets 
Check out our real denim, the MUD Selvedge V3.0
100% Cotton, 14.5 oz, Made in Portugal 
🎥 by @gearschlund 
Ranger Green / Steingrau Oliv Liberty Dad caps out now ! 
New premium Hoodies and shirts out now 
Our logo nails this time in Ranger Green 
Get yours 
An absolutely brilliant week @enforce_tac is over for us. Met old and new acquaintances from industry and the security sector, police, military and rescue. Thanks to the many customers we met. The positive feedback shows us that we are on the right track.

Thanks to @act_in_black and @kydex_holster_nld for hanging out are their booth. 

Cheers to our friends from @epiggroup for this awesome presentation 

Special thanks to Eric @solsys , great to see u again 

By the way, on the picture the  person on the right wearing our all new upcoming fieldshirt V2.0
The new Tegris LMSGear pocket insert ambi.carry is available now. Designed for our MUD denims upper magcarrier pockets by @deftex_de in Cooperation with @kydex_holster_nld 
Get yours 
A short video clip which shows all the features of our newest version of the M.U.D. Denim, the V3 
Made in Western Europe 
Check it out 
🎥 by our friends @epiggroup 
We start the new year with a sale 
24% on selected items 
Sale ends January 24th 
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